Yes, we believe so, but not everyone agrees so we encourage every user to decide what is right for them and their family.
The Formula Pro Advanced offers a hygienic alternative for formula preparation:
1. Powder
Powder is kept dry until needed and is free from human contact. Powder is simply poured from the tin into the clean, dry milk container. The powder container should be cleaned monthly then left to completely air dry and once completely dry it can be reassembled. The powder can then be stored away in a way that does no promote bacteria.
2. Water
Pre-boiled, cooled water is added to the water tank. The water container should be cleaned monthly either by hand in hot soapy water, or in the top rack of the dishwasher. It should be left to air dry before reusing. The water should be replaced every 24 hours to ensure it remains fresh and clean. Filling the tank with enough water for a days bottles is a simple way to ensure it is changed regularly. Monthly you should descale your Formula Pro Advanced using a vinegar and water mix to prevent bacteria inside your machine.
3. Formula preparation
The water is delivered between room temperature or to slightly above body temperature (approx. 40°C) according to the user’s choice. The formula drops into the funnel and both mix together in the funnel before passing into the bottle. After every 4 bottles made the funnel warning light appears to remind the consumer to remove the funnel and clean it. The funnel is cleaned in warm soapy water and aired dried to prevent any formula build up. The formula milk is only for immediate consumption – no storage, no time for bacteria to flourish.